Aromatherapy tips to soothe Christmas stress!

Tis the season to be jolly – right? Christmas is meant to be a time of celebration and having a great time, but for many of us, it can turn into quite a stressful experience. Research from YouGov found that 51% of women have found Christmas to be stressful, compared to 35% of men. Over a third of women also say they’ve felt anxious at Christmas, whereas less than a quarter of men say the same.

Why do we feel stressed at Christmas?

There are a variety of reasons why the festivities can cause stress and anxiety. 

  1. Increased workload - Many of us are already at full capacity with normal life, but at Christmas there is that extra pressure to ‘do more’ and to make the celebrations extra special. From Christmas gift shopping, menu planning and food shopping, through to putting up the Christmas tree, writing Christmas cards and getting the house clean and tidy for visitors. The list seems never ending and we all too often fall foul of the planning fallacy – a phenomenon where we repeatedly underestimate how much time and effort tasks will take despite previous experience.
  2. Living up to expectations - Everyone wants the perfect Christmas and social media can sometimes add an extra layer of pressure to keep up as you witness the lengths that everyone goes to secure the dream Christmas (including devising the most creative activity for that mischievous elf on the shelf).
  3. Family pressures - From deciding who to spend Christmas with this year, through to coping with the in-laws and difficult family members, we can feel pulled in multiple directions and even find ourselves having to spend time with those we may prefer not to.
  4. Money pressures - While overspending can be an issue all year round, it can be particularly challenging to manage at this time of year. Constantly worrying about money and struggling to manage finances can have a dramatic effect on our mood, causing extreme anxiety and stress.
  5. Bad memories - Unfortunately for some, Christmas is associated with bad memories, maybe due to the loss of a loved one or another traumatic event. 

Signs of stress

Stress can have many effects but some of the most common signs are:-

  • Headaches
  • Muscle tension/pain especially in back, neck and jaw
  • Racing heart / tight chest / chest pain
  • Dizziness / feeling shaky
  • High blood pressure
  • Digestive problems such as nausea
  • Sleep problems / fatigue
  • Moodiness / irritability / agitation / restlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating / making decisions / memory problems
  • Feeling overwhelmed / unable to cope
  • Reduced immunity

Simple ways to de-stress at Christmas

Although Christmas is meant to be the season of good cheer, relaxation and celebration it can actually be a major catalyst for stress, and at such a busytime of year it can be hard to take that much needed time out to ‘de-stress’ and unwind.

To help, we’ve got three simple ideas that can easily be incorporated into your day to help you restore a sense of peace and calm.

Mood Boosting Massage Blend

The simple act of massage can increase the brain's production of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin, the “feel good” hormones that affect your mood. It can also reduce stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, which can reduce anxiety, fatigue, stress, and physical and mental strain. Book a professional massage if possible or try daily self-massage ideally after your morning shower. Mix 3 drops Tangerine, 2 drops Cedarwood and 1 drop Geranium in 15ml Grapeseed oil and massage in mindfully all over your body in a direction towards the heart.

Soothing Bedtime Bath Salts 

Soaking in a warm bath with essential oils is therapeutic on so many levels. It can not only help soothe the muscles, but can also ease stress, quieten the mind, lift the mood and encourage better sleep. Combine 30ml Jojoba oil with 20 drops Sweet Orange essential oil, 10 drops Sweet Marjoram, 5 drops Frankincense and 2 drops Neroli and pour into a bowl containing 500g Dead Sea Salt. Mix well and store in an airtight jar. Add 1 cup of salt to warm bath water and swirl around to dissolve. Lie back, relax and focus on your breath and let your mind and body come back into balance and your worries wash away.

Mindful Moments Diffuser Blend

Mindfulness can play an important part of our selfcare and wellbeing routines. It’s not just about taking time out from your hectic life, it’s about checking in with yourself, processing how you’re feeling, without interpretation or judgment, and directing your mind away from negative and stressful thoughts. It is simply about being present with yourself. 

Practicing mindfulness can be so many things, which means it is accessible to all. Mindfulness practices include breathing exercises, meditation, guided imagery, and other practices that truly relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. 

Practicing mindfulness isn’t complicated – but it can be challenging for a variety of reasons. For example you may not feel relaxed or your mind might be wandering all over the place. Essential oils can be useful allies here, helping to calm the nervous system, develop clarity, and help the mind become more stable and steady.

Try and find a little quiet time in your busy schedule to be alone and recharge your batteries. You could try meditation to help regain your inner balance, or simply find a calm place to sit and think while diffusing our Mindful essential oil. Or, if you'd prefer a more festive blend to soothe your senses try our Holy Nights oil with Frankincense, Myrrh and Lemon. If you're not good at sitting quietly and need something to occupy you, try a spot of mindful reading while enjoying your oils. 

Both oils can also be used in an aromatherapy inhaler if you need to take a few calming breaths during your busy day.

So, don't let stress spoil your Christmas. Self-care shouldn’t stop just because the festive season is here, and you have a million other things to do. It’s still important to take the time to look after yourself – even if it’s just in a small way. For more ideas for keeping calm this Christmas read Nicole's blog Quick fix essential oils for the modern medicine woman 

Here's to a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sharon Lovett
Marketing Manager

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