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Aromatherapy tips for study & exams

It's the time of year when students are frantically revising for forthcoming exams. We know how stressful it can be, so we’ve pulled together some handy tips on how aromatherapy can aid your study and keep you calm!

Aromatherapy essential oils for boosting libido (sex drive)

Libido - sexual desire or sex drive - is one of those things that many men and women struggle with. Learn which aphrodisiac essential oils can help to stimulate sexual desire and support those suffering with frigidity or impotence.

Astrological aromatherapy - blends for your star sign

Combine the ancient arts of astrology and aromatherapy to boost your health and wellbeing. Learn which essential oils support the personality traits of your star sign and try our recommended blends for your zodiac sign.

Essential oil safety: cautions, contra-indications & dilutions

While most essential oils and carrier oils can be safely used to promote health and wellbeing, some oils should not be used at all and others are contra-indicated in certain circumstances. Read our blog to find out more.

Aromatherapy essential oils for stress relief

Millions of people in the UK experience high levels of stress that can be damaging to both mental and physical health. Learn how aromatherapy essential oils can be used to relieve stress and aid relaxation.

Discover the health benefits of Turmeric essential oil

Turmeric is one of the world’s most powerful healing herbs. It has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are thought to be helpful in preventing and treating a variety of ailments.

Essential oils for balancing Yin & Yang

The concept of yin-yang forms the basis for Traditional Chinese Medicine. Yin and yang are opposite yet complementary forces. If one becomes unbalanced, illness occurs. Learn how to maintain balance with the help of essential oils.

Aromatherapy essential oils for scars

Scarring is the body’s response to trauma and is part of the natural healing process. We discuss different types of scars and how aromatherapy essential oils and carrier oils can be used to support both physical and psychological healing.

Healing a broken heart: a journey through 5 self-love rituals

In her latest blog Nicole explains why our heart can never be truly broken! We often attribute our happiness to others, but the truth is that it comes from within. All we need is self-love and knowledge on how to access it!

Essential oil of the month - Cypress

Cypress is one of the best oils for supporting the emotions during difficult times. It is also good for oily, acne-prone skin, excessive sweating, respiratory problems, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and for aiding the removal of toxins. 

Showing 141 to 150 of 325 (33 Pages)