Nicole Barton Articles

Celebrate Christmas with essential oils

After almost a year of COVID restrictions we thought we’d start the Christmas celebrations early. Check out our favourite seasonally-scented essential oils that will fill your heart and home with festive cheer and therapeutic goodness.

Essential oils to support home working wellbeing

Working from home during lockdown can have its perks but it can also cause a range of emotional and physical problems. Learn how essential oils can help re-balance and support your wellbeing.

Breathwork techniques and essential oils for wellbeing

Learn how to combine popular breathwork techniques such as Alternative Nostril Breathing and Box Breathing with therapeutic essential oil blends to support emotional and physical wellbeing. 

Enjoy a spa-inspired aromatherapy home pamper

With many of us holidaying at home this year we thought we’d pull together a spa-inspired home pamper package so you can enjoy some well-deserved self-care and relaxation in the comfort of your own ‘space’.

Essential oils for self-esteem and confidence

Essential oils not only support our emotions when we are feeling low in confidence and self-esteem, but can also help us carve out time and space to reconnect with ourselves to rediscover our true potential and self-worth.

COVID-19 - Essential oils for embracing our emotions

COVID-19 has led to a full spectrum of emotions. From isolation and sadness through to anger, frustration, anxiety, and despair. Learn how aromatherapy can help us navigate our emotions and bring us back to balance.

Top essential oils for sleep and mental health

There’s a close connection between sleep and mental health. Lack of sleep affects mental health and those with mental health issues are more likely to suffer with sleep disorders. Learn how aromatherapy can help.

Supporting allergies with essential oils

Allergies are increasing with the UK having some of the highest prevalence rates in the world. Discover our Top 10 allergy-soothing essential oils to support and balance the immune system and ease symptoms.

Supporting eating problems with essential oils

Learn how essential oils can help with eating disorders - how they can help us tune into our natural wisdom with intuitive eating, address mental suffering and relieve digestive problems caused by disordered eating.

Love yourself - a Valentine's meditation with essential oils

Love yourself - a Valentine

Valentine’s Day is all about love and appreciation, so why not create some important time and space for some well-deserved self-love. Try Nicole Barton's heart-warming, nurturing meditation with beautiful essential oils.

Showing 41 to 50 of 104 (11 Pages)