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Essential oils for end of life care

We explore how essential oils can be supportive for end-of-life care, helping to promote calmness, comfort and wellbeing for those in their last moments, but also for relatives or carers who are experiencing challenging emotions.

Essential oils and aromatherapy skincare for Rosacea

Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that primarily affects the sebaceous areas of the face. It is most common in women with lighter skin, causing symptoms such as redness, sensitivity, dryness, swelling and visible veins.

A walk through the seasons' aromatherapy oils

One of the joys of living is the UK is the four distinctive seasons! Join us on a walk through these seasons to discover the healing plants and trees, used in aromatherapy, that we might see on our walk!

Essential oils for Stress Awareness Month

Even the smallest steps taken each day towards self-care and stress reduction can yield significant improvements in mental health over time. Read how essential oils can be used in six small ways to help you heal and relax.

A fresh outlook for Spring - Aromatherapy Tips

A fresh outlook for Spring - Aromatherapy Tips

Spring is a time of year that embodies positive change, cleansing, renewing and beginning the decision-making process and implementation for the rest of the year! Learn how essential oils can help!

The benefits of diffusing pure and natural essential oils

Diffusing essential oils doesn’t just create a lovely smell and ambiance. Learn how the different therapeutic oils work on a deeper level to benefit our health and wellbeing, and try out some of our recommended blends. 

Essential oils for deeper self-love

Self-love has become a bit of a ‘buzz-word’, yet the true power of it is often underestimated. Our blog looks at the deeper kind of self-love that’s important for accessing a more fulfilled life of health and wellbeing on all levels.

Embrace the slower pace of Winter to beat the Winter blues

The natural world understands winter is a time to retreat, rest and embrace a slower pace of life. Although we can’t hibernate in winter, read how we can enjoy a slower existence and use essential oils to help us rest and recharge. 

Essential oils for highly sensitive people

Sensitive people feel ‘more’ in every sense – physically, emotionally and spiritually, and can struggle to fit into chaotic daily life. Learn how essentials oils offer the soul-nurturing that is needed more deeply by the highly sensitive person!

Essential oils and New Year rituals to access your inner magic

The power of ‘ritual’ can be used to focus on what we desire to create more of. Try our New Year Rituals to cleanse in the New Year and inspire hope, positivity and creativity, regardless of what is going on in the world!

Showing -9 to 0 of 326 (33 Pages)