Natural Health & Beauty

Protect your skin when wearing face masks

Although face coverings are worn to protect our health, they can cause a range of skincare problems such as blocked pores, acne, rashes and irritation. Learn how to keep your skin clear and healthy.

Aromatic acupressure facial for health and wellbeing

An acupressure facial can help relieve many problems such as stress, fatigue, poor concentration, headaches, congestion, hot flushes, and pain. It can also relax and tone the facial muscles to improve the condition of the skin.

Our summer detox & anti-cellulite plan

Our summer detox & anti-cellulite plan

Summer will soon be here and we can finally start to peel off those layers and enjoy the sunshine! If, however, you're feeling a little lack-lustre and not so happy with what you see in the mirror, read on!

Top essential oils for sleep and mental health

There’s a close connection between sleep and mental health. Lack of sleep affects mental health and those with mental health issues are more likely to suffer with sleep disorders. Learn how aromatherapy can help.

Supporting allergies with essential oils

Allergies are increasing with the UK having some of the highest prevalence rates in the world. Discover our Top 10 allergy-soothing essential oils to support and balance the immune system and ease symptoms.

Coping with stress & anxiety during the coronavirus

April is Stress Awareness Month and with the country in lockdown due to COVID-19, stress levels and mental health issues are set to soar. Read how aromatherapy can help during these extremely stressful times.

Supporting eating problems with essential oils

Learn how essential oils can help with eating disorders - how they can help us tune into our natural wisdom with intuitive eating, address mental suffering and relieve digestive problems caused by disordered eating.

Love yourself - a Valentine's meditation with essential oils

Love yourself - a Valentine

Valentine’s Day is all about love and appreciation, so why not create some important time and space for some well-deserved self-love. Try Nicole Barton's heart-warming, nurturing meditation with beautiful essential oils.

Essential oils for inspiring creativity

Learn how essential oils can inspire innate creativity. Discover oils to help you notice what’s possible, oils to explore your inner creative and oils to help you embrace your creativity and step into action!

Unlocking our menstrual power with essential oils

Learn how to tune in to the rhythm and changes of your menstrual cycle and work with your inner seasons to unlock your menstrual power and support yourself back to balance with essential oils.

Showing 11 to 20 of 142 (15 Pages)